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Program Design and Development

Identification of challenges, opportunities, and creative solutions to transform a market or practice.

Image by Ryoji Iwata

Strategic Planning

Development of organizational or community visions with actionable steps for achieving and measuring success.

Green Buildings

Program and Project Management

Short term or multi-year delivery of technical assistance or market transformation initiatives.

Image by Jason Goodman

Workshop Facilitation

Design and delivery of events and trainings.

Copying Down

Proposal and Grant Writing

Funding applications and development of, or response to, Request for Proposals.

Stand Up Meeting

Stakeholder Convening

Design and facilitation of processes that engage multiple parties towards shared goals and outcomes.

Example Work

Energy Trust of Oregon 

Design and administration of a grant program that supports professionals to conduct research that addresses barriers to net zero building design and development.

Energy Trust of Oregon 

Design and administration of a workforce development program that funds architecture and engineering firms to hire emerging professionals in support of AIA 2030, MEP 2040, SE 2050 carbon commitments. 

EcoDistricts and Just Communities Protocol

EcoDistricts and Partnership for Southern Equity

Development of the standard for community development that makes racial equity and climate resilience fundamental. Leadership of a local and national pilot to test the model. Continue to support the evolution of this program, and certification, which is now led by Partnership for Southern Equity.  

Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance

Technical assistance and support, through Regional Energy Efficiency Organization, to recipients of the US Department of Energy’s Building Upgrade Prize that seeks to scale decarbonization solutions in residential and commercial buildings. 

Electric Vehicle Charging Toolkits 


Development of toolkits that support municipalities, community-based organizations, and property owners to deploy electric vehicle charging in different settings. 

Federal Funding Proposals 

Forth and NextEra

Writing, program design and technical assistance for multiple federal funding proposals with a focus on Department of Energy. All proposals were successful and resulted in over $15 million awarded to clients.

Incubator Workshop


Design, management and support facilitation for multi-day workshop for community development practitioners to advance district-scale sustainability solutions in their communities.  

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